Why don’t you just punch me in the face?

Why don’t you just punch me in the face.
At least the pain will go away.
You see, when you call someone a name. You don’t just say it once.

“Bitch, slut, faggot, ugly, fatty…”
“Why don’t you just die!”

Please watch what you say.

It replays in the mind. Over and over again. It leaves a permanent scar.

A punch in the face would be a lot less painful. At least the pain goes away.

When you call someone a mean name. It doesn’t matter how much you apologize.
How much someone says otherwise.

“You’re ugly and fat..”

It lasts forever.
Cuts and scrapes and bruises fade.
Words are forever. Please watch what you say.

It’s like crumbling up a piece of paper. And trying to make it the way it was. All neat again.
Once the damage is done, there’s really no going back.

Why don’t you just punch me in the face.
Because that bruise will heal.
Scars from words. They hardly ever heal.
